Physics P1. Kinematics

Brief Description

This soft-text­book (appli­ca­tion) can be con­si­der­ed as a full-fledg­ed ma­nual, which, in com­pa­ri­son with the prin­ted ma­nu­al, has ad­di­ti­o­nal fea­tures
1) There are au­dio ma­te­ri­als for each sec­tion of the appli­ca­tion.
2) Each teaching page, in addi­tion to au­dio, has a text struc­ture and text types. Teach­ing texts, which are lo­ca­ted in mo­dal win­dows, can be run si­mul­ta­neous­ly with au­dio tracks.
3)There are interactive exer­ci­ses that al­low you to im­prove your under­stand­ing of teach­ing ma­te­ri­als.
4) The online application is pri­ma­ri­ly desig­ned for use with the help of smart­phones or tab­lets. How­ever it can be used with the help of lap­tops and PCs.
5)All tables and images of the appli­ca­tion are sca­lable as well as the app text.

The application ge­ne­ral fea­tu­res (in de­tail)
The appli­ca­tion text typ­ing des­crip­tion

How to use this appli­ca­tion

1. Open the required sec­tion of the appli­ca­tion,
2. Start the au­dio of the se­lec­ted sec­tion.
3. Open the text window of the sec­tion by click­ing the sec­tion title but­ton, which is lo­cat­ed di­rect­ly above the au­dio play­er on the left.
4. Listen to the speaker voice and read the text of the sec­tion.
5.If there is the "Exer­cises to the sec­tion X.X" but­ton at the bot­tom of the page being con­si­dered, go to the in­ter­ac­tive exer­cises page af­ter the sec­tion text learn­ing. Suc­cess­ful comp­le­tion of these exer­cises will help you bet­ter mas­ter the con­tent of the ma­te­rial un­der con­si­de­ra­tion.
We recommend that you turn on auto-ro­ta­tion on your smart­phone if you are go­ing to read sec­tions with a lot of con­tent!

This kind of work can help you im­prove your au­di­to­ry and speech skills.

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