Application Usage Recommendations

Dear users, this is the Russian language test application and you can use it to improve your ability to put into practice the Russian language verbs.
Here you can find 6 themes devoted to the Russian Language verbs:

Тема 1 «Причастие»
Тема 2 «Деепричастие»
Тема 3 «Виды глагола»
Тема 4 «Глаголы движения»
Тема 5 «Наклонение глаголов»
Тема 6 «Залог глагола»

Each theme has two sections – the "Option 1" and the "Option 2". The only exception is the "Theme 4" (Тема 4), where you can find three sections: "Option 1" - "Option 3" (Вариант 1 - 3). Let's look at the "Theme 3" (the "Verb Types" - «Виды глагола»), in which, there are two test sections (the "Option 1" and the "Option 2"), each one contains 150 test tasks (that is 300 tasks for the entire theme). The only task number exception is the "Theme 6" (the "Verb Pledge" - «Залог глагола»), where there are also two test sections, but 100 tasks in each section (200 tasks in total).

Thus, in this application there are two types of test sections. The first one, which has 150 tasks and another one, which has 100 tasks in each section. If there are 150 tasks in the section, you have 60 minutes to finish execution of the entire set of tasks. If there are 100 tasks in the test section, you have 50 minutes to finish the execution. In the first case, you have 24 seconds to execute each task. In the second case, you have 30 seconds to execute each task.

Each theme (except Theme 4) contains 2 options (see Fig. 1 below).

Пример содержания темы Fig. 1. A theme content example - Тема 2 «ДЕЕПРИЧАСТИЕ»

Each theme option contains 2 sections. The one section is developed to train a student executing test tasks, the other section is for testing students' knowledge by a teacher. Therefore, the one section is called "Test tasks without taking into account the time" and is developed for training students. The other section is called "Test tasks taking into account the time and personal data" of students, and is intended for testing (see Fig. 2 below).

Пример содержания варианта темы Fig. 2. Theme variant content example - Тема 2 «ДЕЕПРИЧАСТИЕ» Вариант 1

Before going to the test sections, refresh the lessons that are devoted to the theory of the sections that you are going to do. For example, if you are going to do the «Залог глагола» ("Verb Pledge") theme, refresh the theory of this theme first. This approach will make it easier for you to pass test tasks, speed up the process of their execution.

To execute test sections, you must have:
- a smartphone or computer device with Internet access;
- a folder in your device to store test results;
- a copybook or notebook;
- a pen;

Write down the date, time and title of the test section in the notebook, and then start executing test tasks.
For example:
17 июля 2023г.
Залог глагола
Вариант 1
Время начала:
10ч. 29м. (time stamp)

After making the above entry, you can immediately start performing a training option section. For this purpose, you just need to enter the appropriate option section and start performing test tasks.

Тренировка тестирования Fig. 3. This is example of the beginning the training test section "Declension of pronouns", Option 1 («Склонение местоимений», Вариант 1).

If you have selected the section "Test option taking into account the time and personal data" and a corresponding entry has been made in your notebook, then, having entered to this section, you can see the following elements of the visual control:
- countdown timer;
- the current date and time stamp;
- a field for entering the student first and last name and the "Enter" button.

As soon as you have come to the test execution, the countdown timer starts automatically. The current date is visible below, and the «Имя_Фамилия:» (“First and Last name”) text field appears in the lower position. It is required to enter the first and last name of the student doing the work. Please note that the test part of the interface is not yet available (see Fig.4). It will appear later, after a student has entered his/her first and last name and has pressed the "Enter" ("«Ввести») button.

Индивидуальные данные Fig. 4. Visual control elements have appeared

In the below Fig. 5 the «Иван Петров» first and last name is wtitten:

Иван_Петров Fig.5. There is «Иван Петров» name in the text field

Now the user have to click the «Ввести» ("Enter") button and the button disappears, the text field stops to be edited while the test section appears available to the user (see Fig. 6).

«Ввести» отсутствует Fig. 6. The "Enter" button is pressed, and by the absence of the button, you can understand that the text field is not editable

Start working with the test section. At each moment, the countdown timer shows the time, which you have to finish all test tasks. However, do not wait for the timer to expire, then it will be too late to finish. You have to finish, at least, in a few minutes before the end of the time on the countdown timer. After clicking the «Завершить» ("Finish") buttonn, you will be taken to a window where you can see the results of your work. Bear in mind, that clicking the "Finish" button does stop the countdown timer!

Please Note! If you have reached and executed the last (150th or 100th) task, but you do not see the «Завершить» ("Finish") button, as in Fig. 7 below:

Неудачное_завершение Fig. 7. This is the example, when a user cannot finish a test section execution
In this case, you cannot finish the execution of the test section. What should the successful finishing of the test section look like? Successful finishing you can see in Fig. 8, where there is the «Завершить» ("Finish") button.

Завершение Fig. 8. The «Завершить» ("Finish") button indicates that a user can finish a test section execution
So what does the absence of the «Завершить» button mean? This fact means that you have missed executing one or more tasks! Go back, find the missed tasks, execute them and then return to the end, i.e. to the 150th or 100th task, and click the «Завершить» button that has appeared.
As soon as you have clicked the «Завершить» ("Finish") button, take a screen-shot of the application window. Save this image into the folder you have appointed. Open the screen-shot and write down the time of your finish, the rating and the number of correctly completed tasks (see Figure 9 below):

Результат Fig. 9. Here you can see the example of the test section result
The entry example in a notebook for the test section result (Fig. 9) you can see below:
(continued recording in your notebook)
Время окончания:
31м 16с.
94 из 100;
-- -- --

In the Fig. 9 you can see the example of the correct finishing the test section:
- there is some time reserve in the countdown timer;
- the date corresponds to the test section execution date;
- there is a student's first and last name.

If any of the three above conditions are not met, the teacher can rate your result as “Unsatisfactory”, despite the fact that student's actions might have "Excellent" rating.

For example, in the figure below you can see the situation when the allotted time for testing (50 minutes) is over and the testing result has the "unsatisfactory" rating (see Fig. 10). In Fig. 10, in the timer, instead of time figures, you see the text: "Time > 50 minutes", in other words, the time is overdue and the overall rating is "unsatisfactory".

Результат Fig. 10. The example of overdue time for the test section

Click on the «Показать решение» ("Show solution") button, find your mistakes, write them down and analyze them later. In addition, you can look up for words in the dictionary and analyze your actions during the task execution.

If you are going to pass the test section taking into account the time limit one more time, you should update the browser window in which the application is running and then you have the test section window as shown in Fig.4.

For the user, the analysis of mistakes and the testing result is an extremely important point regardless of the time limit. The speed of testing improves along with regular training. Therefore, you should not be afraid to get an "unsatisfactory" rating because of the time limit overdue, but you should make every effort for further training in order to cope with the testing faster and increase your speed.

Analyze records of results in your notebook; compare your results for different dates and times. Identify weaknesses in your knowledge of the verbs. Periodically contact teachers if you have any questions. This work will allow you to speed up mastering the Russian language verbs and successfully use them in practice.

Enjoy our application!

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