This soft-textbook (application) can be considered as
a full-fledged manual, which, in comparison with the printed manual,
has additional features
1) There are audio materials for each section of the application.
2) Each section, in addition to audio, has a structured text,
which is located in a modal window and can be run simultaneously with the audio.
3) The online application is designed for use with the help of a smartphone or tablet.
1. Open the required section of the application,
2. Start the audio of the selected section.
3. Open the text of the section by clicking the section title button,
which is located directly above the audio player on the left.
4. Listen to the speaker voice and read the text of the section.
Please, note!!
In this application, not all the text is voiced by the speaker.
If you see that there is a * sign in front of the text, and the text
itself is italicized, keep in mind that the speaker does not
voice this text!
*Атом систоит из ядра и электронной оболочки... -
not voiced!!
We strongly recommend that you turn on auto-rotation on your smartphone
if you are going to read sections with a lot of content!
This kind of work can help you improve your auditory and speech skills.